Year: 2019

Brute-Force Password Guessing Attacks

Brute-Force Password Guessing Attacks

Caveats: The following analysis is based entirely on a brute force attack. Hackers cannot extrapolate information from this document to help them learn user passwords. iBeta does automated testing of the security of websites, especially for things like cross-site scripting (CSS), and cross-site request forgery (XSRF). However, our automated tool occasionally finds other problems not […]

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Biometric Spoofing/PAD Testing

Biometric Spoofing/PAD Testing

iBeta’s biometric security testing capabilities include biometric presentation attack detection (PAD) per ISO/IEC 30107-3. ISO/IEC 30107-3 addresses techniques for the detection of presentation attacks – also known as spoof and liveness detection. A presentation attack occurs when an artifact (face, hand, facsimile, etc.) is presented to a biometric capture device to gain access as an […]

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Test Plan Versus Test Case; What’s the Difference?

Test Plan Versus Test Case; What’s the Difference?

Software quality assurance encompasses many unique terms. People who work in this industry are often bombarded with different software terminology and are sometimes bewildered as to what these varying expressions mean. For example, two common terms that cause confusion are “test plan” and “test case”. Here we break down what these terms mean and what […]

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Is Your Website Mobile Enough?

Is Your Website Mobile Enough?

Most business professionals are aware of the need to build a professional website that is both easy to use and aesthetically pleasing but may not put the same emphasis on the development of a mobile website. Traditional websites are often completely inaccessible from mobile devices including smartphones and tablets whereas a mobile website is accessible […]

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