PAD testing represented by single female eye

Biometric Spoofing/PAD Testing

iBeta’s biometric security testing capabilities include biometric presentation attack detection (PAD) per ISO/IEC 30107-3.

ISO/IEC 30107-3 addresses techniques for the detection of presentation attacks – also known as spoof and liveness detection. A presentation attack occurs when an artifact (face, hand, facsimile, etc.) is presented to a biometric capture device to gain access as an imposter or conceal identity to evade a watch list.

Added liveness and spoofing mechanisms are subject to false positive and false negative errors for biometric recognition. False-positive errors wrongly categorize bona fide presentations as attack presentations, potentially flagging or inconveniencing legitimate users. False-negative errors wrongly categorize presentation attacks as bona fide presentations, potentially resulting in a security breach. Therefore, the decision to use a specific implementation of spoofing or liveness detection depends upon the trade-offs with respect to security, evidence strength, and efficiency.

“With this accreditation, iBeta is able to liveness and spoof test biometric modalities and document our results to provide end-users with an indication as to how susceptible the system is to bad actors,” Dr. Kevin Wilson, Director of Biometrics at iBeta stated. Dr. Wilson continued, “Customers that engage iBeta’s services will receive an independent 3rd party assessment of their strength against presentation attacks.”

By including PAD testing as part of their overall biometrics testing services, developers can ensure that their users will be able to confirm their identity easily and efficiently while keeping them — and their most personal information — safe from cyber attacks.

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Mike Stark