Author: Mike Stark

Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities

Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities

Scanning for web application vulnerabilities involves setting up a program that communicates with your system’s web application via the website’s front end. Next, this scanner program interacts with the back-end databases and other resources. Essentially, the goal of this program is to determine if there any vulnerabilities in the web application or architecture. Notably, identifying […]

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Brute-Force Password Guessing Attacks

Brute-Force Password Guessing Attacks

Caveats: The following analysis is based entirely on a brute force attack. Hackers cannot extrapolate information from this document to help them learn user passwords. iBeta does automated testing of the security of websites, especially for things like cross-site scripting (CSS), and cross-site request forgery (XSRF). However, our automated tool occasionally finds other problems not […]

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Biometric Spoofing/PAD Testing

Biometric Spoofing/PAD Testing

iBeta’s biometric security testing capabilities include biometric presentation attack detection (PAD) per ISO/IEC 30107-3. ISO/IEC 30107-3 addresses techniques for the detection of presentation attacks – also known as spoof and liveness detection. A presentation attack occurs when an artifact (face, hand, facsimile, etc.) is presented to a biometric capture device to gain access as an […]

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Is Your Website Mobile Enough?

Is Your Website Mobile Enough?

Most business professionals are aware of the need to build a professional website that is both easy to use and aesthetically pleasing but may not put the same emphasis on the development of a mobile website. Traditional websites are often completely inaccessible from mobile devices including smartphones and tablets whereas a mobile website is accessible […]

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