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    Automated Software Testing Services

    Guarantee the quality and dependability of your software applications by incorporating automated testing into your development processes. Automated testing utilizes specialized software to execute tests, report outcomes, and compare results from previous tests. Automated software testing provides early detection of defects, significant risk mitigation, and reduces time to market so that you can release high-quality software products with confidence, ensuring reliability, and user satisfaction.

    What is tested During Automated Software Testing

    Automated software testing services are an integral component in the software development lifecycle, assessing software performance, security, compatibility, and regression testing. Automated testing utilizes specialized software to execute tests, report outcomes, and compare results with earlier test automatically.


    Performance Testing:

    Assessing the application’s response under the expected load examining its speed, responsiveness, and stability.


    Compatibility Testing:

    Verifying the software’s compatibility with various devices, browsers, and operating systems.


    Regression Testing:

    Ensuring that recent code modifications have not negatively impacted existing operations.


    Integration Testing:

    Testing the interplay among various modules or components of the software.

    Automated Testing Technology
    and Tools We Use

    icon - Selenium WebDriver

    Selenium WebDriver

    An extensively utilized automation testing framework designed for web applications.

    icon - Appium


    Utilized for automating mobile applications on various platforms.

    icon - Playwright


    A cutting-edge automation testing framework tailored for web applications, offering extensive functionality and versatility in test automation tasks.

    icon - Robot Framework

    Robot Framework

    A versatile and widely adopted automation testing framework, specifically engineered for web applications, renowned for its intuitive syntax and robust capabilities in streamlining test automation workflows.

    icon - Cypress


    A modern JavaScript-based testing framework for web applications, offering fast, reliable, and easy-to-use testing capabilities.

    icon - JMeter


    JMeter is used for conducting performance tests on web applications.

    icon - Jenkins


    Utilized for continuous integration and deployment within automated testing pipelines.

    Automated Software Testing
    Pricing Information

    iBeta offers flexible pricing models tailored to each project, including per-hour rates, per-project pricing, or subscription-based plans.


    Process and Timeline

    The process and timeline for starting an automated testing project can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the application, available test case materials, and existing test infrastructure. However, here’s a typical outline:


    Assessment and Planning (1–2 weeks):

    • Assess the application and identify areas suitable for automation.
    • Define the objectives, scope, and success criteria for the automated testing project.
    • Evaluate available resources, including tools, frameworks, and skills within the team.
    • Develop a high-level test automation strategy and roadmap.

    Tool Selection and Setup (1–2 weeks):

    • Research and select appropriate test automation tools and frameworks based on project requirements and team expertise.
    • Set up the testing environment, including installing necessary software, configuring test environments, and establishing version control.

    Test Case Identification and Prioritization (2–3 weeks):

    • Identify test cases suitable for automation, considering factors such as frequency of execution, complexity, and criticality.
    • Prioritize test cases based on business impact, risk, and coverage requirements.
    • Refine test cases to make them suitable for automation, ensuring clear objectives, inputs, and expected outcomes.

    Test Script Development (4–8 weeks):

    • Develop automated test scripts based on prioritized test cases, utilizing selected tools and frameworks.
    • Implement necessary test infrastructure, such as page objects, utilities, and data-driven frameworks.
    • Write maintainable, reusable, and scalable test scripts following coding best practices and standards.

    Execution and Iteration (Ongoing):

    • Execute automated test suites regularly against different environments, configurations, and platforms.
    • Monitor test results, identify failures, and investigate issues promptly.
    • Iterate on test scripts, frameworks, and processes based on feedback, changing requirements, and application updates.

    Reporting and Analysis (Ongoing):

    • Generate comprehensive test reports summarizing test execution results, including pass/fail status, trends, and coverage metrics.
    • Analyze test results to identify patterns, areas of improvement, and potential risks.
    • Communicate findings to stakeholders, including developers, product managers, and QA teams.

    Maintenance and Optimization (Ongoing):

    • Maintain automated test scripts, keeping them up-to-date with application changes and evolving requirements.
    • Optimize test suites for efficiency, scalability, and maintainability.
    • Continuously evaluate and incorporate new technologies, tools, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of automated testing efforts.

    Let’s connect to
    help you and your team.

      Benefits of Automated Testing

      icon - Test More

      Test More

      What if any developer, at any time, could check in a new build and kick off a complete regression test suite at will?  Test more, earlier, and find errors before multiple build iterations, with increasing technology debt, stack up.

      icon - Test Deeper

      Test Deeper

      Some types of testing are just prohibitively expensive to do manually.  Imagine an application that varies, in part, on the postal code: manual testing can only afford to test a handful of variations.  Data-driven automation, though, could be fed a spreadsheet of interesting postal codes, and left to run overnight.

      icon - Test Faster

      Test Faster

      In a hurry? Want shorter test cycles? Don’t have access to infinite test staff? Divide and conquer with automation; distribute your testing across banks of machines, and let your manual testers focus on the items that can‘t be automated.

      icon - Test Cheeper

      Test Cheeper

      As a business, the best way to cut spending is to invest in areas that will cut future costs. Automated tests can be executed repeatedly without additional costs, unlike manual tests that require human resources for each execution. This repeatability leads to significant time savings, allowing teams to test more frequently and comprehensively within the same timeframe. While there are initial investments in developing and maintaining automated tests, the long-term benefits in terms of efficiency, reliability, and scalability can outweigh the upfront costs.


      icon question

      What is automated software testing?

      Automated testing is a process in which software tools execute pre-scripted tests on a software application. The purpose is to define repetitive tasks and create or modify a test automation framework allowing constant test execution, reporting and comparisons. This may greatly reduce your associated testing time and cost.

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      Can automated testing take the place of manual software testing?

      Automated testing offers numerous benefits, but it is not a complete substitute for manual testing. Certain aspects of testing, such as usability, user experience, and exploratory testing, require human judgment and intervention. A well-balanced approach combining both automated and manual testing ensures comprehensive software QA.

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      How does automated testing integrate with the development process?

      Automated testing is commonly incorporated into the software development process using continuous integration and deployment pipelines. This guarantees that tests are automatically run whenever new code changes are made, enabling early detection of defects and quicker feedback loops.

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      What types of applications can benefit from automated testing?

      Automated testing is advantageous for various types of applications such as web applications, mobile apps, desktop software, and APIs. Automation can benefit any software that necessitates frequent testing and validation of functionality and performance.

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      Who should perform automation testing?

      It is recommended to hire a professional service for automation testing to achieve the best results. Professional testing services employ specialized experts with skills and experience in creating, executing, and managing automated test suites. These experts are knowledgeable about industry standards, use sophisticated testing tools and frameworks, and have a profound understanding of different software development methodologies. Organizations can gain advantages such as extensive testing coverage, quicker test execution, and enhanced software quality by utilizing a professional service. Outsourcing automation testing enables internal teams to concentrate on essential development tasks while ensuring their software is thoroughly and efficiently tested by experienced professionals.

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      How does automated testing handle dynamic or constantly changing applications?

      Automated testing can manage dynamic or constantly changing applications using methods like stable locators, the Page Object Model design pattern, and parameterization. Automated tests can easily adjust to changes in the application by segregating test data from test scripts and utilizing variables to represent dynamic elements, thus reducing the need for significant manual intervention. This abstraction helps in isolating changes to specific pages and facilitates easier maintenance of test scripts.

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      What are the main challenges associated with automated testing?

      Common challenges of automated testing include script maintenance as the application changes, managing unreliable tests, and ensuring sufficient test coverage for all functional and non-functional requirements. Establishing and upkeeping automated testing infrastructure may necessitate an initial investment of time and resources.



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